First I check the egg and snowball rumors. Then we fix the spider separator. I think the changes I make to it will allow it to function even when the mobs get heavily clumped together like they did last episode. I show the simple item junction I plan on using for turning individual sorted items on/off. We do a little bit of work on the control room. Most important, I reveal the plans for the 2 mob systems in more detail. I even reveal the secret method I plan on using for almost completely automating sheep shearing and record farming. (Shout Outs) ZawBanjito: Tyken132: ribbitz: scjoiner: World Download (36): Donate:
wtf is up with that grass?
@ZekeSonxx it mens that righting is moving the wike will give a better exsampal and the world wod not work it dos mot mater eny more i have found some one to play whith thanks four your help
@megame232 Also on his channel page, in his description, there is his Let’s Play Seed, which you can type in as the “Seed” on creating a new world and it will create a world with the same area as his. If you want all his creations, just look at his latest video for a download link. And yes, I hate the Wii too. And what does “dislesick” mean?
@ZekeSonxx ok sorry no i hate the wii im dislesick so i can not chek my spelling and im new to minecraft and i ment in a new world and thanks for telling me
@megame232 He isn’t playing on Multiplayer. He plays on Single Player. And besides, being bored is no reason to post something like this. Why don’t you learn to spell and actually play Minecraft instead of making pointless, crappy comments like this one. Also, because I’m a techie and can’t help it, ‘Ip code’ is incorrect. You need a IP to join. I think you’ve played Wii, and too much of it.
@graknor Amen bro, you are so right. they are incompetent.
@flylow223 because the people that run youtube are incompetent
howcome only youtube has shitty buffering.
can i have your ip code so we can do multi player cus ime bored i think it is an ip code or what ever i need to play multi player with you
BTW. You only need two records
NIce job on the computer man. I got my laptop w/ 6gb, i5, 2.3 GHz, for 720 USD (U.S. Dollars) and it struggles sometimes with minecraft, but usually it only gets really bad if I’m standing at the collection point for my 50×50 mob trap while listening to iTunes, and watching your videos. Definately worth it.
i hate this part of the video 17:55
@DionEngels Lol same. I need a new computer =p
you call moments with 15fps ‘lagg spikes’… when I play MC my max fps is 15 fps and my lagg spikes are 2 seconds no fps.
for what are the signs
i am building a huge tower based on your mob trap spawning room , when its done ill tell!
i cant wait
@MinecraftWolf003 5 is squid
I am jealous of your computer.
@MinecraftWolf003 Ohh at 24:27 I see now An Egg Farm…
Why are there 5 options for the Passive mobs? 1= Cows 2=Sheep
3=Chicken 4=Pig So What is 5?
I know why he doesnt use diamond tools.. its cuz he used all of his diamonds on the block that is used to represent diamonds
Y use ram disk if u have 16 gb? Ram disk is unreliable
Mar 13 2011 ! Thats my birthday ! (:
Etho marathon ep. 38!!!